Public Policy

Azimio supports Raila Odinga bid for AUC chairmanship

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Azimio leaders have supported Raila Odinga’s bid for the African Union Commission chairmanship bid.   End


Public Policy

Russian Opposition leader dies in prison he was an example to emulate in defending human rights

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Russian opposition leader, Alexey Navalny, has died in prison. He was an outspoken critic of President Vladmir Putin for many years.   At the peak of his leadership, he organized anti-government demos […]


Public Policy

Opposition leader Raila Odinga announces his interest for African Union Commission Chairperson Position

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Right Hon. Raila Amolo Odinga has declared his interest in contesting for the African Union Commission (AUC) chairperson position.   “Should the leadership of Africa want my services I am ready and offer myself […]


Public Policy

Hungarian president Resigns after controversial pardon in child sex abuse case

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Hungary President Katalin Novak announced her resignation after she made a mistake by issuing pardon last year for a man convicted of child abuse case. After this was made public, people made calls […]


Public Policy

Nandi-Ndaitwah SWAPO Presidential Candidate 2024

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Nandi Ndaitwah is the current Prime Minister of Namibia.   She is also the current SWAPO Vice President. Nandi has a long and colourful career in the ruling party. She is the […]


Public Policy

MP aspirants in Kitutu Masaba Constituency

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This is a summary or highlight of what is happening in Kitutu Masaba’s political arena as we move close into August 2022.

We aim to cover what is happening, who is vying for what seat in our beloved constituency.

We shall also look at other constituencies around Gusii land.


Public Policy

Increased frenzy of political campaigns in Kenya

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Kenya is in a period of political campaigns as they approach elections in August 2022. Presidential aspirants are already traversing the country wooing voters for votes.


Public Policy

President Donald Trump in United Kingdom for a long-delayed state visit

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US President Donald Trump is in the United Kingdom (UK) for a long-delayed state visit. He is accompanied by the first lady, Melania Trump, in the picture below he is seen at […]


Public Policy

Venezuela opposition leader declares himself acting president

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The opposition leader in Venezuela, Juan Guaido, has declared himself the country’s acting president. Donald Trump’s regime has recognized the opposition leader as such.   Thousands of Venezuelans took to the streets […]


Public Policy

World’s Richest farmer Qin Yinglin net worth $17.6 billion

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Chinese billionaire and the richest farmer in the world, Qin Yinglin, has a net worth of $17.6 billion. He grew up in poverty but now he has made his money from pig […]


Public Policy

Energy drink billionaire Lin Muqin & family net worth $8.2 billion

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Lin Muqin is the chairperson of Eastroc Beverage which is an energy drink company.   Eastroc Beverage is the largest energy drink manufacturer in China from revenues angle. On second position is […]


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