Business / Business

Facebook Kenya grew by 18%

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There are 5.3 million Facebook Kenya. This number has grown from 4.3 million users in 2015. This is a 18.6% increase in the number of users.  Facebook Africa estimates that half of […]


cyber security / ICT

Kim Dotcom fraud

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United States is calling for Kim Dotcom extradition alongside other Megaupload co-founders with the plans of taking them to court in the US for racketeering, money-laundering and copyright infringement. These charges stemmed […]



East African Cooperation Approved US$100 Million Budget for FY 2016/2017

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On 26th May, 2016 East African Cooperation (EAC) approved budget estimates worth US$100 million to run the regional body for the financial year 2016/2017. The budget speech was read by Dr. Susan […]


Public Policy

East African Legislative Assembly (eala) asked to Adopt Swahili as one of the Official Languages

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EAC Slogan: “One People, One Destiny”  On 25 August, 2016 there was a heated debate at the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) in Arusha Tanzania calling for the adoption of Swahili as […]


international development association

Facts About East African Cooperation (EAC)

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In 2011 I worked as an Intern at the Ministry of East African Community. It was a great experience learning a lot about the structures of East African Community. At that time, […]



Bertie Charles Forbes: Forbes Magazine owner


Bertie Charles Forbes was the Forbes Magazine Owner. He was born on 14 May, 1880 and died on May, 1956. He was a financial journalist who studied in his home country Scotland. […]



Ngong Road Dualing Project to De-congest Nairobi CBD

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The Ngong Road dualing is ongoing and it is expected to reduce congestion in the city.


banks / Business / World Bank

Bank interest rates have been capped in Kenya. What next?

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The Banking (Amendment) Bill, 2015 was signed by President Uhuru Kenya. It will be used to cap bank lending interest rates. The banks hands will be tied in terms of how much […]


Public Policy

Who has More Financial Muscles, Nairobi or Johannesburg?

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In this blog article we are going to compare Johannesburg City with Nairobi City and see how we are fairing so far. This comparison aims at creating a picture on how Nairobi […]



South Africa: The Land of Protesters in Pictures

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Johannesburg, South Africa It has been long overdue since we visited Johannesburg City on May, 2016 to learn strategies that the civil society organizations use to ensure citizens get access to basic […]


Agriculture in Kenya

Financing Nairobi City County Agriculture during the FY 2016/2017

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NAIROBI CITY COUNTY Nairobi City County (NCC) is unique in many ways. It is the only county considered to be entirely urban. Therefore, the kind of agriculture practiced here can be classified […]


Public Policy

Latin America: Home of Innovative Reforms for Our Cities

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The new kid on the block in the transport sector is here. The City Shuttle Mass Transit buses. Will this be the answer we have been looking for? We are yet to […]


Public Policy

Nyangorora village waited for 53 years since independence to get electricity!

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I was privileged to have grown in Nyangorora village during the one party state under President Toroitich Arap Moi. At that time we thought that service delivery was a preserve for the […]


Counties / development finance

Northern Water Services Board Kenya

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Northern Water Services Board serves seven counties in the North Eastern part of Kenya. These are: Samburu, Garissa, Laikipia, Mandera, Marsabit, Wajir and Isiolo. Most of these counties are considered to be […]



Almond Resort: An Oasis along the Bank of River Tana

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The Almond Resort is located in Garissa town along the banks of River Tana. Its serene environment is good for business, social and even political meetings.  This luxury resort has various facilities […]


Budget / budget implementation / Counties / county budget

Garissa County: Aiming for Justice and Prosperity

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Do you know your county government well? How much did your county allocate for provision of basic services? How much does it collect in the form of local revenues? What was the […]


University Education

Private Universities in Kenya to Admit 10,000 Government-Sponsored Students

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In the past all government-sponsored university students were admitted to public universities only. This is changing soon. It all started with a meeting held at State House where the President directed private […]


Public Policy

Longfor properties profile

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Longfor Properties Co Ltd was established in 1993. The company employs over 14,000 people to build high-rise apartments, luxury villas, office buildings, shopping malls, car parks and business complexes. In 2014, Longfor […]


Public Policy

Full list of William Ruto new cabinet secretaries

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The following is a list of all Cabinet Secretaries appointed by William Ruto. They are subject to approval by Parliament.   John Mbadi – CS Treasury Salim Mvurya – Trade CS Rebecca […]


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