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CNN Style has reported that a historian has discovered Shakespeare’s home in London. This is the very first time that the home has been identified.

The historian, Geoffrey Marsh, spent over 10 years conducting research to find the location of the great English dramatist’s home. He used the method of cross-referencing official records to find out where Shakespeare called home in 1690s.

Other sites of importance where Shakespeare worked have been discovered. For instance in 2008 researcher identified The Theatre (an Elizabethan playhouse located in East of London).

The research states that, “within a few years of migrating to London from Stratford, he was living in one of the wealthiest parishes in the City, alongside powerful public figures, wealthy international merchants, society doctors and expert musicians.”

Geoffrey Marsh believes that by living in London Shakespeare enhanced his status and added weight to his career. While being a resident in London, he was also planning to purchase an impressive home back in Stratford.


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