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Toronto is being built to be one of the smart cities of the future. Google is taking led on this matter. Once complete Toronto is said to be the coolest place on earth.

Google will convert acres and acres of idle land into something beautiful. Sidewalk Labs (Google’s sister company) will take lead on a $50 million development project to transform Toronto City.

The smart city will be highly wired and sensored and Sidewalk Labs says that the city will run itself.

City officials and urban planners around the world are amazed by the outcome of this strange project. Newspapers, magazines and other media have covered the story extensively.

Critics questions a tech company’s knowledge of cities. They say Google has no experience running real cities.

In the past we have heard of innovations in our cities such as residents using apps which spot potholes or sensor-enabled stoplights among other technologies.

Future smart cities will be correcting huge amounts of data and analyzing it in real time. This is going to be great for decision-making.

Currently according to Politico, residents in Toronto are charged according to the amount of garbage disposed. The more garbage a household produces, the more that unit pays to the city management.

Toronto manages their snow-laden sidewalks by using hyper-local weather sensors that have the ability to detect an upcoming squall to heat the sidewalks.

Vaughan, the Toronto Member of Parliament believes that a truly smart city runs on data as well as algorithms.

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