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Breast cancer is one of the common forms of cancer that affects women. It also affects men though in very rare cases.

World Health Organization; The UN Agency in charge of international public health has estimated that 42,260 deaths will occur this year (41,760 women and 500 men). About 62% of women die because they don’t go for checkups frequently.

In the United States, Cancer is the second most common cause of deaths after Lung cancer according Cancer Net.

Early discovery is essential to battling breast cancer. Women should go for screening every month. The following are warning signs that one could be suffering from breast cancer:

  1. Nipple discharge
  2. Change in breast size or shape
  3. Constant pain
  4. Skin rashes
  5. Change in skin texture
  6. Swelling around the armpit
  7. Change in nipple position
  8. Skin indentation
  9. A lump
  10. Bleeding from the nipple

It is advisable that if one sees or experiences this signs, he or she should visit a medical practitioner for examinations and medication.

For more information, read here.

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Lung Cancer

Stomach Cancer

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