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In our quest to understand how the world economy works, today we look at Australian economy. Here is what we have found out:

  1. There have been no reforms in Australia for almost 20 years courtesy of dirty politics
  2. Australia has never experienced a recession in the last 26 years
  3. There is plenty of mining resources in Australia but the majority of the residents have not benefited out of it.
  4. All attempts to introduce economic reforms are either cannibalized or reversed by toxic politics
  5. Australia has changed Prime Ministers five times since 2007 due to dirty politics (Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull)
  6. Australia is home to some of the world’s coal and gas reserves in the world
  7. Education is Australia third largest export despite the fact that the country is trying to pass budget cuts on universities.

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