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Yale University owns a forest worth $25 billion. The university has planted birch and maple trees on millions of acres of land. This is what they call an endowment in the United States of America.

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Owning a forest is fashionable because it is a way of hedging against inflation and other risks associated with bonds and stocks.

Chicago is not the only University which owns a forest. Harvard University owned the $35.7 billion forest in Romania timberland which they sold in 2014 after some controversy arose.

In 2015, Yale University reported that they owned 3 million acres of land. This is approximately the size of Connecticut. The forest is located in North America.

The Chicago University boasts of natural resources worth USD$2 billion. This is eight percent of its total endowment. In addition to owning forests, the university also owns mining assets, oil and gas. These investments have posted an average of 16 percent return over the last two decades.

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