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Zhanna Samsonova, 39, a vegan influencer, boasted of weighing the ‘same as 18 coconuts’ before she died of starvation. 


After adopting fruit-only diet, she weighed 41 kilos. She told her followers and friends that she has spent years eating and drinking fruit juices and smoothies. 


“Being thin doesn’t mean weak! Being big and bulky doesn’t mean strong!


“Recognise that we all come in different shapes and sizes, and that all people are inherently valuable regardless of the way they look.


“I’m holding the bunch of nine coconuts with just one left hand!


“One coconut is about 2-2.3kg, approximately 18-22kg, and my weight is 41kg by the way.”


The raw food influencer also had said online that her body does not “require” water.

“I have not drunk water for the last 6 years. This is a common occurrence in those who are on a fruit diet,” she wrote on Instagram.


“I lived one floor above her and every day I feared finding her lifeless body in the morning. I convinced her to seek treatment, but she didn’t make it.”

Samsonova the vegan influencer




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