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Murugappa Family has a net worth of $7.3 billion. They control Murugappa Group which has an annual revenue of $9 billion. The group was founded in 1900 as a money lending company in Myanmar.


Murugappa Group was established in 1900 by Dewan Bahadur A.M. Murugappa Chettiar. It employs 73,000 people in companies such as Net Access India Ltd, Wendt India Ltd, Shanthi Gears Ltd, Parry Agro Industries and Tube Investments of India Ltd among others.


The group is made up of 29 companies including 9 listed companies. They have interests in auto parts, abrasives, farm inputs, plantations, nutraceuticals, bioproducts, ceramics, sugar, bicycles, carpets, rugs, mats, home furnishings, curtains, pillow covers, rubber, tea, construction, textiles, travel solutions, bed spreads, napkins and fertilizers.


The group owns brands such as Parry for sugar and BSA as well as Hercules for bicycles.


EID Parry Limited is the largest sugar manufacturer in South India. The company produces refined sugar, brown sugar, co-generated power and ethanol.


Murugappa Group has manufacturing operations in Chile, France, South Africa, USA, Tunisia, Russia, Sri Lanka, Australia and Thailand.



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