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Memoirs of Ludwig Von Mises: Part 1

In 2018, I have resolved to read more books to put grace into my writing style. I’ll not give up on this resolve.

Ludwig Von Mises made original contributions to not only economics but also history, social philosophy and philosophy of science.

Von Mises had a great influence on his contemporaries such as Ralph Raico, F.A. Hayek, Gottfried von Haberler and Murray Rothbard among many others. These people attended his seminars between 1920 and 1960s. He was a respected economic adviser to the Austrian government. Ludwig von Mises arrived in the United States of America (USA) in August 1940.

In 1906, von Mises graduated with a doctorate in Law from University of Vienna.He was very activity at the Vienna Chamber of Commerce, government, World War I and finally in Academia.

On a daily basis, he interacted with political elites in his native country. His memoir provides us with very important history considering the Austria was the heiress of the Habsburg Empire which had fallen in 1918.

Mises was better informed about daily politics and economics. He was always offering solutions for the daily political and economic problems of the day. He never spoke about his literary works until they were complete.

Ludwig Von Mises never had a scholarly assistant during his time in Vienna. His masterly of economics was undisputed. It’s unfortunate that his advice was rarely understood or followed.

Watch out for part II in this series…

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