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A Cardiff City soccer player went missing after taking off in a plane with his pilot. Now investigators have found some pieces of cushion believed to be parts of the missing plane.

These pieces were found off the French coast days after the plane disappeared with the soccer player on board.

This is the first time in nine days of searching that tiny evidence linked with the plane was found on the Normandy coast some 20 miles from the last known position of the aircraft.

Currently, the Ministry of Defence salvage and marine operations team has been tasked with finding the wreckage of the plane.

Sala’s family hired shipwreck experts using the donations that they received from well-wishers. These experts are planning to comb an area of 25 square nautical miles in search of the missing plane using a remotely operated equipment. They believe than there is a high probability of finding the plane in the area.  

Emiliano Sala was traveling to Cardiff from Nantes in France. Sala was accompanied on this journey by his pilot, Dave Ibbotson.

 “We are aware that a privately operated search is also being conducted in the area, and we are liaising closely with those involved to maximize the chance of locating any wreckage and ensure a safe search operation. Our remit is to undertake safety investigations to establish the cause of accidents. We do not apportion blame or liability,” Said AAIB.

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