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Community Development Agreements (CDAs)

Process of Formulating CDAs

  1. Pre-negotiation
  2. Consultation
  3. Drafting
  4. Implementation and Monitoring
  5. Reviews and Termination

The Community Development Agreement (CDAs) must have milestones which can be monitored by the stakeholders.

There must be opportunities for reviewing, revising or terminating the Community Development Agreements. This is called Force majeure which means “the Act of God”.

Minerals are a good blessing but sometimes it can be a curse too. In Nigeria, the oil and gas industry became a curse because most of the citizens stopped pursuing their economic activities such as bringing agriculture to an abrupt halt.

Community have been urged to have a plan on how they will use the mining resources when they are flowing. The Biblical story of Joseph and the dream about times of plenty and hunger. Communities affected by mining activities should learn something from the story.

Best practices

  1. Conduct extensive research and consult the community widely;
  2. Having advance pre-negotiation agreements

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