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‘Sir’ Charles Njonjo the Duke of Kabeteshire nicknamed following his British mannerism died and was cremated the same day. 


Charles Njonjo served as the first post-independence  Attorney General for Kenya and Justice and Constitutional Affairs Cabinet Minister. 


Prof. Makau Mutua, a legal Scholar based in the USA, believes that Charles Njonjo was “one of the most malignant, anti-black, vindictive and anti-democratic officials in Kenya.” 



Njonjo is refuted to have married at the age of 52 as a senior bachelor. 

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One thought on “Charles Njonjo dead aged 101

  1. In reference to the last photo in the article, I’m told Njonjo and Mwai Kibaki were neighbors in Muthaiga but they were not in good terms. What might be the cause of their enmity?

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