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A  Nigerian lady strips naked her fiance’s mistress in Public   

Modinat Morufu, a Nigerian lady aged 45 years old has been arrested after she publicly humiliated another woman by the name Bolaji Ogunleye. She attacked and undressed Bolaji due to suspicion of having a relationship with her fiancé. The act happened at Ekoro junction in Abule area of Lagos. The man at the center of this commotion was Ojugbele Azeez is said to be Morufu’s fiancé.

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Facts would not be established on whether Bolaji had snatched Modinat’s fiancé.  According to police reports, the fight was caused by Ojugbele Azeez. Morufu was arrested by the police and aligned in court where she was charged with a conduct which had a potential breach of public peace and order.

It was confirmed that Morufu was angered when she met her fiancé Azeez with Bolaji. This lead to physical confrontation between the two. Apart from undressing the victim to a bare minimum, she also attacked her fiancé Azeez. This is the action which landed Morufu in court. After a court case was concluded, she was forced to pay damages.

The prosecutor Mr. Salami Olugbenger requested the court to give a short timeline until trial. Modninat was allowed to pay a bond of 50, 000 nairas an equivalent of Ksh. 13,900. This was ordered by the presiding Magistrate Mrs. Dan-Oni M.I. Modinat was remanded in custody pending payment of the bond. The matter was postponed up to 11th September 2018.

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