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Richard Overton, the US World War II Veteran dies at 112

Richard Overton is the oldest war veteran who was considered to be the oldest living American male and whisky lover has died at the age of 112.

When President Obama honored him, he received more national attention for his service during Second World War and his advanced aged.

Before his death, he had been a long time resident of Austin, Texas. He had been hospitalized with pneumonia on December 12.

Richard Overton became a celebrity late in life. Before his new found status, he was an ordinary retiree sitting on his porch smoking his cigar and drinking whiskey.

According to him, his long life was due to a daily dose of whisky and 12 cigars he used to smoke every day.

Just keep living, don’t die,” that his Overton’s advice to all people. He was able to outlive his wife, ex-wife, three brothers and six sisters.

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